Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee


Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee

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IHS webinar Exercise and Headache - from General to Specifics

IHS webinar     Exercise and Headache - from General to Specifics
Wednesday 12 July 2023, 08.00 EST, 09.00 BRT, 13.00 BST, 14.00 CEST

The next IHS live webinar on Wednesday 12 July 2023 will focus on Exercise and Headache - from General to Sepcifics, starting at 08.00 EST (New York, US), 09.00 BRT (Sao Paolo, Brazil), 13.00 BST (London, UK) and 14.00 CEST (central Europe).

The webinar will be Chaired by Macio Nattan (Brazil) and Marco Lisicki (Argentina), and we are pleased to welcome presenters Dr Arão Belitardo de Oliveira (Brazil) who will present on Physical Activity and Exercise in General, and Professor Débora Bevilaqua Grossi (Brazil) who will talk about Specific Exercises – Physiotherapy.
The presentations will be followed by a question and answer session.

This webinar is open for anyone to attend - click here to register.




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