Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee


Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee

Confinia cephalalgica

XXIV National SISC Congress

  • Caserta
  • September 30 - October 3, 2010

The XXIV National Congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Headache (SISC), in consideration of the multidisciplinary nature which characterizes the Society, will involve the participation of several scientific societies that operate in the field of pain and the study of episodic and chronic pain syndromes.

This multidisciplinary approach is now even more important in the light of Law 38 of March 15, 2010, which takes into consideration patient tertiary care settings involving general practitioners, tertiary specialists and centres of reference and of excellence in hospitals, in order to ensure that patients with chronic pain receive the best possible care. Primary headaches, being part of this context, are included in the diagnostic and treatment approaches of chronic pain with regard to forms of chronic headaches ab initio and secondary chronification forms.

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Organizing secretariat
S&B Congress S.r.l.

Viale dell'Università, 4
82100 Benevento (BN)

  • 0824 24652
    0824 23484
  • 0824 24652


Contact us
SISC - Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee
Registro Persone Giuridiche - Prefettura di Firenze - n. 534/2011
  • Address:
    Az. Ospedaliera Careggi, Centro Cefalee
    Pad. 13, Piano 3, Stanza 309
    Largo Brambilla, 1
    50139 Firenze FI
    P.IVA 05057860487
    C.F. 01529430488
  • Phone: Società Scientifica - non effettua visite per cefalee Sede Amministrativa: 075 585 8181 (dal lunedì al giovedì: orario: 8:30 - 13:00)
  • Fax: 075 578 4229
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