“Giornale delle Cefalee”, is SISC’s news bulletin in Italian. The news bulletin publishes editorials and articles on topics, regarding both clinical and research issues, of major interest in the field of headache, programmes of national and regional events of the Society, book and article reviews, calendar of events and a list of the more important web sites dealing with headache. A section of the bulletin is dedicated to the SISC’s Regional Sections and seeks to provide more in-depth information on local issues, and promote local activities.
Managing Director
Francesco De Cesaris
Scientific Director
Domenico Cassano
History of Medicine
Giorgio Zanchin
Gender Medicine
Marina de Tommaso
Social Media Relations
Edoardo Mampreso
Regional Sections
Maria Pia Prudenzano
Valeria Caponnetto
Gianluca Coppola
Antonello D'Attoma
Luigi Francesco Iannone
Agnese Onofri
Vincenzo Raieli
Gabriele Sebastianelli
Marco Trucco
All materials should be sent to:
Editorial Office: giornalecefalee@sisc.it
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